It’s Friday The 13th

Today is Friday the 13th and it is considered bad luck in Western superstition.
So are you ready for it, or are you staying in bed for the day?!

This day generally only happens once a year but can occur 3 times in the same year, and also occurs in any month that starts on a Sunday.
Superstitious people beware!

As we know the number 13 is supposed to be unlucky as in Friday the 13th and all that black cat stupidity and it's cos of that black cats are the hardest to rehome.

So let's have some good Friday the 13th fun and let us know what your thoughts are on this "special" day .
Please post anything Friday the 13th related and let's prove that it is just a superstition. Also, of course, our usual friendly chit chat.


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


⌚️Jewellery 💍


🍝 What Do You Want To Eat? 🍕